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The Links Club was started in 1926 by four founding members C.G. RIP Mayer from Electrical Engineering, F.J. John Millard from Civil Engineering, G.H.N Bobbie Mayes from Electrical Engineering and J.G. Percy Shelley from Mechanical Engineering. The first meeting of the Club was held in October 1926, a further eight members were elected in December 1926. The purpose of the club was to contribute to the social life of the City and Guilds College, when it was largely a day college. Most students went home or to rooms locally, consequently there was very little organised social life.

The old City & Guilds building

The Student Unions of C&G and of Imperial College flourished rapidly after a boost from the Links Club. In more recent times, the Club has had a reputation for boisterous events in the pursuit of its pleasures.

Membership is by election, based on Sportsmanship as defined by the members at College. Each member has a link, originally silver, on a chain that starts with the four original members. There are about 1000 Links and each link has the name and Club Name of the member, together with the year and month of initiation. Members are now spread around the world, with informal groups in Australia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Canada and USA. Seven Links have been Knighted, mainly for services to British Engineering.